Monday 11 January 2016

Hello? Is that Meester Allspop?

(ring ring)
-Hello? Is that Meester Allspop?
(I can't place the accent, but I can hear the hubbub of a call centre in the background)
-Well, my dear (good attempt on my part at a Fen accent), that all depends on which Mr Allsop you want.
-The houseowner.
-Ah, well, that'll be my brother, George. Now you just hang on a moment, my dear, and I' call him.
(I hold the phone away from my ear and pretend to be shouting down the hall)
-George! George! Phone for you!
(pause, then)
-I don't know what they want. Just said they wanted to speak to you.
(another pause, then)
-No, I think it's one of your mucky women, George.....
(back to the caller)
- He's just coming, dear....

But I needn't have bothered. She's already hung up.

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